
Milan Skip-a-Long Center utilizes Creative Curriculum as a research-based and comprehensive curriculum utilizing 38 objectives for development and learning that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning.  It creates high-quality learning environments and builds understanding of developmentally appropriate practices.  Planning and preparation are based on individual children and weekly lesson plans are built around a daily schedule, which includes large and small group time, outdoor time, free play, and one-on-one time with a teacher.  Daily experiences are hands-on and project-based investigations.  Though routinized and structured, play is the core of Creative Curriculum.

Child Assessment
Milan Skip-a-Long utilizes Teaching Strategies as an authentic, ongoing, observation-based assessment that is linked to Creative Curriculum.  Teaching staff to capture meaningful data related to the nine domains of development and learning, including: Social-Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Studies, and the Arts.  Three checkpoints throughout the year provide an opportunity to measure where children are at developmentally and in their learning compared to widely held expectations for their age group.  This information is shared with families.  iPads are provided in each classroom to allow photographs and videos to add value and depth to the documentation provided.

Conscious Discipline
Milan Skip-a-Long Center utilizes Conscious Discipline as an evidence-based classroom management practice that focuses on the development of social-emotional and self-regulation skills of both adults and children.  Based on an understanding of three primary brain states - Survival; Emotional; and Executive - Conscious Discipline tailors interactions that are best suited for each unique situation.  Teaching staff utilize the seven skills of Conscious Discipline, including: Composure, Encouragement, Assertiveness, Choices, Empathy, Positive Intent, and Consequences.  By providing consistency and building connection - playfulness, eye contact, positive physical touch, and presence - children feel safe in the classroom and develop skills of self-regulation, which is necessary for learning.

Milan Skip-a-Long Center Features:

Ages Served

Six weeks through 12 years



Open Monday through Friday (except Holidays): 
6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Programs Offered


1800 W. 1st St.
Milan, IL 61264
(309) 787-6303